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Telecom Safety Compliance Management – TracFax Helps You Easily Track, Review, and Audit Safety Requirements

Telecom professionals are paramount to the world’s communication network. They keep us connected to 911 and other emergency services, remote work opportunities, online entertainment as well as family and friends across the road and across the globe. They are responsible for the installation and maintenance of structures and systems that give communities access to voice services and internet both in fair weather and after storms.

In the case of businesses that specialize in tower erection and telecommunication maintenance – the notion of safety, safety culture and safety compliance is deeply rooted. There are many risks involved in performing these types of jobs. Across the industry, professionals have seen the devastating effects of tasks performed by unqualified individuals. Thus, the telecom industry requires numerous specialized trainings and certifications for each of the roles.

The number of certifications, trainings, safety forms, equipment inspections, etc. necessary to safely execute daily tasks can be overwhelming. Keeping track of the expiration and renewal dates for each safety document is very time consuming without an intuitive software tool.


TracFax is a platform that provides state of the art tools to alleviate the stress of monitoring your company’s safety compliance. This intuitive software tracks staff certifications as well as expiration for timely renewals. In the case of work with subcontractors, you will be able to review their safety compliance with the ability to notify the contractor about any issues with staff certifications thus, maintaining a work environment as safe as possible.

Give your Teams on site and in the back office everything they need to manage and track safety compliance.

Safety starts from the top-down in an organization. How does TracFax help companies develop and monitor safety culture? 

Compliance and safety management begins with the senior management team. It’s their voice and actions that make safety compliance a priority. So, how can we help you effectively handle the safety compliance of your staff? 


TracFax offers online tools that facilitate:  

The definition of certification requirements based on employee job type or title

The upload and review of certifications *

Tracking missing and/or expired certifications *

What does this mean for you as a safety and compliance manager?

TracFax allows you to immediately see which staff members are qualified for the job and are in compliance with its required trainings and certifications.  The offered software tools are updated in Real-Time hence, the audited staff members are notified live about the approval or denial of their certifications. This will also help you assess staff readiness for a new project.  In the case of soon-to-expire and expired certificates, notifications will be automatically sent out to the respective individuals, so there will be no need in spending time typing and email to send out.  

When all the safety documentation complies, your company will be able to perform and/or receive (if you are a contractor) new jobs faster, avoid failing safety site audits, saving you time and money.


Safety Compliance and Management of Contractors you work with – can you check it within TracFax? 

As a company that hires subcontractors, how do you know which subcontractors are fully certified for and in compliance with the work they are performing? Do you have a way to verify the compliance of your subcontractors?

With TracFax, you will be able to audit the safety compliance and requirements of the crews you hire to perform a job.  With just a single click, immediately notify their administrators about any failed certifications that might preclude them from working on your project. In just a couple of clicks you will review and notify the subcontractor if they are good to go or need to add, update, or renew certificates. Save time, money, and be assured that you have hired qualified personnel with appropriate safety training.  


Reach out to us with any questions on how you can manage your safety documentation. Our team is here to help you succeed and give your business all the best tools. Click the Bar at the bottom of your screen to initiate a conversation with our team.

*The client is responsible for the upload and review as well as validity of any safety and compliance documentation.

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