REAC - Unit - Electrical System

Electrical System


Portion of the unit that safely provides electrical power throughout the building. Includes equipment that provides control, protection, metering, and service.

This inspectable item can have the following deficiency:

  • Blocked Access to Electric Panel
  • Burnt Breakers
  • Evidence of Leaks Corrosion
  • Frayed Wiring
  • GFI Inoperable
  • Missing Breakers/Fuses
  • Missing Covers


Blocked Access to Electrical Panel

Deficiency: A fixed obstruction or item of sufficient size and weight can delay or prevent access to any panel board switch in an emergency.

Note: If you see an item that is easy to remove, like a picture, do not note this as a deficient.


Level of Deficiency:

Level 1: N/A

Level 2: N/A

Level 3: One or more fixed item(s) of sufficient size and weight can impede access to the unit’s electrical panel during an emergency.


Burnt Breakers

Deficiency: Breakers have carbon on the plastic body, or the plastic body is melted and scarred.


Level of Deficiency:

Level 1: N/A

Level 2: N/A

Level 3: You see any carbon residue, melted breakers, or arcing scars.


Evidence of Leaks/Corrosion

Deficiency: You see liquid stains, rust marks, or other signs of corrosion on electrical enclosures or hardware.

Note: Do not consider surface rust a deficiency if it does not affect the condition of the electrical enclosure.


Level of Deficiency:

Level 1: N/A

Level 2: N/A

Level 3: Any corrosion that affects the condition of the components that carry electrical current.

-OR Any stains or rust on the interior of electrical enclosures.

-OR Any evidence of water leaks in the enclosure or hardware.


Frayed Wiring

Deficiency: You see nicks, abrasions, or fraying of the insulation that expose wires that conduct current.

Note: Do not consider this a deficiency for wires that are not intended to be insulated, such as grounding wires.


Level of Deficiency:

Level 1: N/A

Level 2: N/A

Level 3: You see any nicks, abrasions, or fraying of the insulation that expose any conducting wire.


GFI – Inoperable

Deficiency: The GFI does not function.

Note: To determine whether the GFI is functioning, you must press the self-test button in the GFI unit.


Level of Deficiency:

Level 1: N/A

Level 2: N/A

Level 3: The GFI does not function.


Missing Breakers/Fuses

Deficiency: In a panel board, main panel board, or other electrical box that contains circuit breakers/fuses, you see an open circuit breaker position that is not appropriately blanked-off.


Level of Deficiency:

Level 1: N/A

Level 2: N/A

Level 3: You see an open breaker port.


Missing Covers

Deficiency: The cover is missing from any electrical device box, panel box, switch gear box, control panel, etc., with exposed electrical connections.


Level of Deficiency:

Level 1: N/A

Level 2: N/A

Level 3: A cover is missing, and you see exposed electrical connections.

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