REAC - Site Inspection - Mailboxes/Project Signs

Mailboxes/Project Signs (Site)


Mailbox is a public container where mail is deposited for distribution and collection.

  • This does not include mailboxes owned and maintained by the US Postal Service, such as the "Blue Boxes."

Project signs are boards, posters, or placards displayed in a public place to advertise, impart information, or give directions.

  • This does not include signs owned and maintained by the city.


This inspectable item can have the following deficiencies:

  • Mailbox Missing/Damaged
  • Signs Damaged

Mailbox Missing/Damaged (Mailboxes/Project Signs – Site)


Deficiency: The U.S. Postal Service resident/unit mailbox is either missing or so damaged that it does not function properly.


Note: Do not inspect commercial deposit boxes, FedEx, UPS, etc., or U.S. Postal Service "blue boxes."


Level of Deficiency:


Level 1: N/A

Level 2: N/A

Level 3: The U.S. Postal Service resident/unit mailbox cannot be locked.

- OR The U.S. Postal Service resident/unit mailbox is missing or so damaged that it does not function properly.


Signs Damaged (Mailboxes/Project Signs – Site)

Deficiency: The project sign is not legible or readable because of deterioration or damage.


Level of Deficiency:


Level 1: The sign is damaged, vandalized, or deteriorated, and cannot be read from a reasonable distance (for example, 20 feet).

Level 2: N/A

Level 3: N/A

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