REAC - Site Inspection - Grounds

Grounds (Site)

The improved land adjacent to or surrounding the housing and related structures. This does not include land not owned or under the control of the housing provider.


This inspectable item can have the following deficiencies:

  • Erosion/Rutting Areas
  • Overgrown/Penetrating Vegetation
  • Ponding/Site Drainage

Erosion/Rutting Areas

Deficiency: Natural processes, weathering, erosion, or gravity, or man-made processes have caused either of these conditions:

  • Collection or removal of surface material.
  • OR Sunken tracks, ruts, grooves, or depressions.


Note: This does not include erosion/rutting from a defined storm drainage system or in a play area. These are covered in these sections: "Storm Drainage (Site)" and "Play Areas and Equipment (Site)."


Level of Deficiency:

Level 1: N/A

Level 2: Erosion has caused surface material to collect, leading to a degraded surface that would likely cause water to pool in a confined area, especially next to structures, paved areas, or walkways.
- OR A rut/groove is 6 to 8 inches wide and 3 to 5 inches deep.
Level 3: Runoff has extensively displaced soil, which has caused visible damage or the potential failure of adjoining structures or systems, such as pipes, pavements, foundations, building, etc.
- OR Advanced erosion threatens the safety of pedestrians or makes an area of the grounds unusable.
- OR There is a rut larger than 8 inches wide by 5 inches deep.


Overgrown/Penetrating Vegetation

Deficiency: Plant life has spread to unacceptable areas, unintended surfaces, or has grown in areas where it was not intended to grow.


Level of Deficiency:


Level 1: N/A

Level 2: Vegetation is extensive and dense; it is difficult to see broken glass, holes, and other hazards.
- OR Vegetation contacts or penetrates an unintended surface, such as buildings, gutters, fences/walls, roofs, HVAC units, etc., but you see no visible damage.
- OR Extensive, dense vegetation obstructs the intended path of walkways or roads, but the path is still passable.
Level 3: Plants have visibly damaged a component, area, or system of the property or have made them unusable/impassable.


Ponding/Site Drainage

Deficiency: Water or ice has collected in a depression or on ground where ponding was not intended.



  1. This does not include detention/retention basins or ponding on paved areas, such as parking lots:
    1. Detention/retention basins are covered in "Storm Drainage (Site).”
    2. Ponding on paved areas is covered in "Parking Lots/Driveways/Roads (Site).”
  2. If there has been measurable precipitation (1/10 inch or more) during the previous 48 hours, consider the impact on the extent of the ponding.
  3. Determine that ponding has occurred only when there is clear evidence of a persistent or long-standing problem.


Level of Deficiency:


Level 1: N/A
Level 2: An accumulation of water (3 to 5 inches deep) affects the use of at least 100 square feet of the grounds, but the grounds are generally usable.
Level 3: There is an accumulation of more than 5 inches deep over 100 square feet.
- OR Accumulation has made a large section of the grounds, more than 20%, unusable for its intended purpose. For example, ponding has made a recreational field unusable.

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