REAC - Building Exteriors - Lighting


System to provide illumination of building exteriors and surrounding grounds. Includes fixtures, lamps, stanchions, poles, supports, and electrical supply that are associated with the building itself.


Broken Fixtures/Bulbs

Deficiency: Includes broken fixtures and bulbs. This deficiency covers all or part of the lighting associated with the building, including lighting attached to the building used to light the site. If you see lighting that is not directly attached to a specific building, assign it to the nearest building.


Note: If a damaged fixture or bulb presents a safety hazard, rate it as Level 3, and record it manually as a health and safety concern. This includes broken fixtures and bulbs that could fall on pedestrians or could lead to electrocution.


Level of Deficiency:


Level 1: N/A

Level 2: 20% to 50% of the lighting fixtures and bulbs surveyed are broken or missing, but this does not constitute an obvious safety hazard.

Level 3: More than 50% of the lighting fixtures and bulbs surveyed are broken or missing.

-OR The condition constitutes an obvious safety hazard.



Level 3: If the condition is a health and safety concern, you must record it manually under "Electrical Hazards (Health and Safety)."

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