How to Navigate Property Details as Admin

As an administrator, you can perform a bigger spectrum of actions in managing properties, to do so, go to the Admin tab, and select Properties.

Here, you can grant access to users, import properties in bulk and perform bulk actions.

**Please watch individual videos for user management (to find out how to grant access), properties bulk upload videos for importing properties and bulk actions include mass delete, activate and disable options.

In this page, you can see Internal as well as Shared Properties by switching the tab.

To activate or deactivate a property, simply flip the switch in the status tab. By putting a properties to sleep you will clean your heat map. Inactive properties will no longer show on your heat map but you will retain all of the information from the property in your archives for potential future use. 

To sort properties by name, click on the property header. Similarly, you can sort them based on address by clicking on the address header; creation Date and Last Accessed. By clicking on the "Last Accessed" time per property, you will be able to see the log list of who accessed this property and when.

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