User - Adding New Staff Members

Adding Staff in the User Panel

Open the home menu and select “Admin”

Select “Users” to access the User Panel

Click “Add Staff” in the upper right corner.

In the pop up, enter their company email address, first and last name, as well as phone number.

Select the Time zone for their region of work.

Choose if they will have access to the admin panel or not.

Determine and select a default role for the Staff Member.

Click “confirm” to add the staff member.

They will now show on your user panel under the tab for “staff”.  

Before you are able to edit their profile further, the staff member will need to log in and validate their account.  Have them check their email and log in to do this. 

Once an account is validated their name will show up with their Role listed below.  You can now click on the card to open the staff profile to view and edit it.  From here you can view and update their information, add certificates, as well as view and add skills.  Additional customization to this page is available, please reach out for options. 

The next video in this series is – Editing Profiles 

For more information on this click the question mark to access the Knowledge base or email us at



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